James 3:13-18 (893)
A. James asked this question to his readers in chapter 3 and verse 13: “Who is wise
and understanding among you?’
1. He followed with instructions about wisdom.
B. Let’s focus on a study of wisdom as taught by James.
I. What is wisdom?
A. Wisdom is understanding. V13a
1. Understanding will enable us to overcome poor human relationships. Vv14-16
B. Wisdom is understanding and doing those things that make life better. V13b
II. How can we obtain wisdom?
A. By asking God. James 1:5; Proverbs 3:5-7, 13-18 (487)
B. By observing wisdom and learning from it. Proverbs 17:24 (496); 13:20
C. By reading the word of God. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (880)
III. How do we practice wisdom? By applying the principles: James 3:17
A. By living a pure life. Romans 12:1-2 (837)
B. By seeking peace with others. Romans 12:18
C. By being gentle with people. Ephesians 4:31-32 (865)
D. By yielding (being entreating) to others. James 3:17
E. By forgiving others. Matthew 18:21-22 )719)
F. By doing good deeds for others. James 1:27 (892)
G. By being impartial and sincere. James 3:17; Matthew 7:12 (708)
Conclusion: James 3:13a. Let’s ask ourselves this question: “Am I wise?”