James 5:12 (894)
A. James makes reference to an ancient practice of making idle oaths by appealing to
various objects to confirm the truthfulness of one’s statement.
1. This is an appropriation of Matthew 5:33-37 (706), the words of Christ.
B. Such appeals are wrong and we need to be careful to speak the truth.
C. Portions of survey results about lying.
D. Let’s focus on the results of lying and then what we need to do if we are guilty.
I. Results of lying.
A. Reveals a person’s heart. Matthew 12:34-37 (713)
B. Wrecks relationships. Ephesians 4:25 (865); Galatians 5:13-15 (862)
C. Destroys a person’s influence. Proverbs 11:3 (492)
D. Prevents a person from being blessed by God. James 5:12
E. Can take a person to hell. Revelation 21:8 (917)
II. What to do if we are guilty of lying?
A. Confess the sin of lying to God. 1 John 1:9 (900)
B. Make necessary corrections. Matthew 3:7-8 (704)
C. Be aware of the importance of telling the truth. James 5:12 (894)
D. Depend on God’s grace. Romans 5:1-2 (832); Romans 5:19-21
A. When all is said and done “ Honesty is the best policy.”