A. A follow-up on discussion regarding being baptized again in
Bible class.
1. There are people in the religious world who are opposed to
any re-baptism, and there are those who believe that under
certain conditions a person should be re-baptized.
B. I’ll use re-baptism and being baptized, and as I do, let’s keep
in mind that there is only one biblical baptism. Eph. 4:5 (865)
C. Let’s answer the question, “Are there any reasons for a person
to be baptized again?”
I. An example of re-baptism Acts 19:1-7 (819)
A. The apostle Paul met 12 men in Ephesus who had been
baptized with the baptism of John the Baptist.
1. As Paul questioned them, they had not received the Holy
Spirit. Vv1-2
2. Paul Asked about their baptized and they answered, “Into
John’s baptism, V3
3. Paul pointed out that their baptism wasn’t sufficient
because they had been baptized with faith in the coming of
Jesus. V4
4. Paul baptized them in the name of the Lord Jesus. V5
B. The implication of this case is that a person Must have faith
and be baptized with scriptural baptism.
II. Application: A person who was baptized under the following
conditions need to be baptized with Biblical baptism.
A. If the person was baptized as an infant . Mark 16:15-16
B. Without the proper faith. Mark 16:16 (748)
C. Without repentance. Acts 2:36-39 (802)
D. Baptized because of peer pressure. Romans 6:16-18
E. Baptized without Immersion. Acts 8:34-37 (808); Ro. 6:3-6
F. Baptized believing he was already saved Mark 16:16
(748); Acts 2:38-39 (802); 1 Peter 3:21 (896)
G. Have doubt, Unappropriate comments by baptizer, Did not go
under water, not as concerned as should be about obeying
God after baptism, bothered by conscience even though you
have been baptized.
A few minutes to be baptized is well worth the obedience