Matthew 21:28-32 (721); Matthew 7: 21-27 (708)
A. Let’s focus on three essential factors that are involved in having the proper
relationship with God.
I. The importance of repentance.
A. Repentance is a change of mind. It’s the giving up of ones stubborn will
in order to accept God’s will.
B. In the Parable Of The Two sons (Matthew 21:28-32) Jesus illustrated the
necessary of repentance.
1. The father asked his sons to work in his vineyard.
2. The first son said, no, but then decided to obey his father.
3. The second son said, yes, but then disobeyed his father.
4. Which son did the will of his father? Why? He repented.
C. What is repentance?
D. Repentance will occur again and again in the life of a christian. Example:
II. The second essential involved in having the proper relationship with God is the
acceptance of God’s will. Matthew 7:21-23 (708)
A. Kingdom of heaven is the rule of God from heaven.
B. Jesus will tell some people on the day of judgment(Vv22-23) that He doesn’t
know them. They had practiced lawlessness which is not accepting God’s will.
III. Obedience is the third essential factor. Matthew 7:21-23
A. Jesus illustrated the importance of obedience in Matthew 7:24-27
1. Wise and foolish:
2. Rock and sand
Closing: Plan of salvation-Acts 2:36-41 (802); Repentance (V38); Acceptance of God’s
will (V41) and Obedience (V41). By the authority of Jesus (V38)