James 5:16-18 (894)
A. The earnest prayers of righteous people can accomplish a great deal. V16b
B. Prayer is a source of blessing.
C. Let’s consider several qualities that are needed for our prayers to be effective
and powerful based on four righteous men of God.
I. We must pray with _______.
A. The prophet Elijah is an example. James 5:16-17; 1 Kings 17:1-2 (292); 1 Kings
- Consider the faith:
- Some of the people believed that Baal operated the dew and the rain, but note
what occurred.
B. Question: Do we pray to God with faith? - Pray without doubt. James 1:6-8 (891)
2 Pray with confidence. Hebrews 4:14-16. Because Jesus is our High Priest
and understands us.
II. We must pray with a _ heart.
A. A prayer of repentance by King David. Psalm 51:1-4,10-13. (448)
B. Question: Do we have an attitude of repentance when we pray to God? 1 John 1:9
III. We must pray with ___________.
A. Let’s consider Abraham. Genesis 22:1-3, 7-8,11-13 (16)
B. Question: Are we committed for what we pray and are we committed to God?
2 Timothy 1:12 (879)
IV. We must pray with _____ for others.
A. The Apostle Paul is an example. Philippians 1:3-11 (867)
B. Question: When we pray to we express concern for others?
Conclusion: The more we learn about praying and the more we practice communicating with
God, the more we will improve our praying to our Heavenly Father.