Why Study Heaven?
A. Read hymn number 662.
B. We begin a series of lessons dealing with the eternal home of the redeemed
1. Do you have investments in heaven?
2. Do you have a reason for going there?
3. Are you interested in learning more about heaven?
C. Why study heaven? Let’s look at four reasons.
I. Because there are people who have questions about heaven for which they
_________ answers.
A. Examples: Will we know one another? Is there a real street of gold? Is
heaven a real place? Others.
B. Some of our concepts about heaven are from uninspired ____________.
1. Examples: poems,songs, plays, art and stories.
C. Our concepts about heaven should be based on God’s inspired word.
II. Because there are material things in life that tend to encourage us to be _____
A. What about our possessions?
1. Examples: House, clothes, automobile and job.
2. What do these possessions have in common? 1 Timothy 6:6-10 (878)
3. We can too much emphasis on our possessions. Matthew 6:19-20 (707
; Colossians 3:1-2 (871)
III. Because we are instructed to concentrate on _____________ values. Colossians
3:1-4 (871)
A. Let’s suppose you and your family are moving to Switzerland. Questions:
B. Wouldn’t it be nice to learn something about heaven before you arrive?
IV. Because we have loved ones in heaven and we are eager to _____ them again.
Closing: Maybe we can add to our understanding as a result of our study.