James 2:1-13 (892)
A. We live in a society in which there are people who practice discrimination.
B. Question: As Christians is it important that we treat people fairly?
C. James teaches us not to show favoritism or partiality (v1) but for us to practice
the royal law (v8; Matthew 22:34-39, p 723).
D. Let’s consider several reasons not to discriminate, and then we will look at three
principles involved in treating people fairly.
I. Four reason not to discriminate or show favoritism.
A. Because it is wrong. James 2:1-8
B. Because it is a sin. James 2:9-11
C. Because it is unloving. James 2:8-9; Matthew 22:37-39 (723)
D. Because it is judgmental. James 2:13
II. Three principles as to how to treat people fairly.
A. Accept everybody. James 2:1; Romans 15:7 (839)
B. Appreciate everybody. Philippians 2:2-5 (867)
C. Affirm other people. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (874) Suggestions: say thank you, write
an encouraging note/card and make a phone call/send a text message.
A. We need to be aware of practicing the royal law. Matthew 22:34-39 (723)